Fast and efficient way to blog with and about function plots
I am looking for a JavaScript-Library that makes plotting of more or less simple functions easy. From a quick Google search I got some different options that I will test throughout this post.
- Function Plotter
- d3.js
- p5.js
- plotly.js
- Blogging with IPython very curious about that
For the whole comparison of the different libraries I will use the Binary Entropy Function, which has the following definition:
Beside the Binary Entropy function I’d like additionally test simple point and random variable plots.
For my simple point plot I will use the following data $S = {(3,4),(5,6),(10,8),(9,3),(4,4),(8,8)}$. My random variable will be a Normal Distribution $X \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)\,.$
Round 1: Function Plotter
Let us begin with the Function Plotter Library.
Function Plot is a plotting library built on top of D3.js used to render functions with little configuration (think of it as a clone of Google’s plotting utility: y=x2y=x2)
As Function Plotter is a JavaScript-Library we first have to embed custom JavaScript-Code into Hexo. This is done by the tags { % raw %}
and { % endraw %}
. Inside these tags we can embed arbitrary HTML-code.
This snippet produces the following really cool result.
To be continued…