I am Matthias Hermann, a researcher and PhD student at Institute for Optical Systems in Konstanz, Germany. >> Full Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Research Areas

  • Image and geometry processing systems
  • Cognitive systems for novelty detection

Having had an interest in computer science (the kind of thing behind computers and app*s) for years I finally moved from a IT project management role in 2013 to a role where I actually get to design and implement data and algorithm centric applications. As far as I recall, my interest in computability theory and machine learning began when I prepared for a course called Root Cause Analyis and Software Profiling in Business Intelligence applications as part of SAP consultancy program back in 2012. That’s when I first heard of Hubert Dreyfus’ book What Computers Still Can’t Do and I recieved Douglas Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach as a present.

My first step into the direction of data centric applications was in information retrieval and search systems. I always loved data modelling - therefore combining modelling with query data structures was really a nice thing to do. My current work involves modelling regular (e.g. images) and non-regular (e.g. point sets) data structures and building pattern recognition systems around them. As beeing in applied sciences I’m always in a conflict between theoretically correct and practically applicable. The great thing about that is the infinite range of problems that fall exactly into this space.

For those interested, this blog was built using Hexo, which is both easy to use and enough flexible.



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Matthias Hermann
Uhlandweg 6
88239 Wangen im Allgäu

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